The Problem:
Given an array of integers, and a given target, return two unique indices of numbers that add up to the given target.
The Pseudocode - O(n)
- Create an outer for loop
- Create an inner for loop
- If the outer and inner indexes are not similar
- And if nums at outer index and nums at inner index add up to target
- Return array holding two indices
The Solution - O(n)
var twoSum = function(nums, target) {
for (let i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
for (let k = 0; k < nums.length; k++) {
if (i !== k) {
if (nums[i] + nums[k] === target) {
return [i, k];
The Pseudocode - O(1)
- Create an object (hash)
- Create a loop
- Check if the object at key of (Target - Nums at Index) is not undefined
- If it is not undefined, return array holding our loop's index of
at position0
, and our hash's value at key of Target - Nums at Index - Else, set a property on our hash of key Nums at Index and value of Index
The Solution - O(1)
var twoSum = function(nums, target) {
let result = {};
for (let i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
if (result[target - nums[i]] !== undefined) {
return [i, result[target - nums[i]]];
} else {
result[nums[i]] = i;